Kate playing at the pool with PaPa T and JuJu...it was really bright outside and hard to get Kate to keep her eyes open when looking up.
wrestling with PaPa T
family picture...it was impossible to get Kate to look at the self-timer
Karen and Jonathan...and Emma Grace due in November!
Saturday night we met up with some long time family friends, The Chamberlains. Our parents have been friends since we were born. They have 2 sons, Stephen and Justin that Karen and I grew up with. We went to Burger King (for free drinks with a meal if you brought in your church bulletin) every Sunday after church for years...until they moved to Houston. Stephen is now married with 3 kiddos...3 yrs, 2 yrs and 4 mos old. It was fun to watch all the kids play together. Noah, who is 3 years old, LOVED Kate. The kids were everywhere...and we never got a picture of all of them together.
We had a blast with you guys! Already looking forward to next year! :-)