Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Under Contract

Our first house...7025 Fallkirk is....

UNDER CONTRACT! We close next Friday, July 29. So this is what is looks like on the inside now...

My Dad drove over yesterday just to help me pack, take a load of the girls toys to Shreveport and play with the girls of course!
Today I put Kate down for a nap and was going to pack Bryn's closet before she took her nap (she is hardly ever awake when Kate is asleep)...I put Bryn in her crib so she could play and turned around 10 minutes later to find this...

Kate would have never (and probably still wouldn't) fall asleep with me making noise and still in the room. Praise the Lord for such a great baby! I finished packing the box and then left her to nap:)

In other news, we still aren't sure where we are we are going to be in "temporary housing/transition mode" for a few months.

1 comment:

  1. I'm sorry things are in such upheaval for you guys right now. I hope you find a place soon. We're house hunting too. We've got a couple favorites, but we don't know what we're going to do. So we're doing nothing right now. Miss you guys.
