Monday, October 8, 2012

Bryn is 2!

Our cute and cuddly Brynlee-bear is 2!  She is 2 but sometimes seems older because she tries to do everything Kate does.  She is Kate's little personality and looks.  She is feisty, sweet, funny, cuddly, and a little mess.
 Here are some pictures of our sweet 2 year old...

And just so I can remember what she is up to...
Brynlee says and does the funniest things.  She has this little waddle when she walks that is a.dor.a.ble.  She talks all day.  She is feisty.  She is quick to share but also quick to take.  She has started wrestling and tackling Kate...payback for the last 2 years of Kate tackling her.  She calls Kate "Kater-bug" which is the cutest thing ever.  She says, "What are you doing Kater-bug?"  She counts to 11 like this...1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,8,9,10,11,8,9,10,11,etc.  Brynlee LOVES babydolls...she rocks them, feeds them, swings them, sings to them, etc.  If we are talking to Kate about something, she says, "talk to me."  If someone is crying, she says, "why is she sadding."  At bedtime, her favorite song to sing is "Jesus Loves the Little Children."  She sings every word.  She is our cuddlebug.  She loves hugs and sitting in laps.  At meals, she is always touching someone.  She holds your arm while she eats...which is endearing and messy!!!  Your shirt or arm is covered in food by the end of the meal.  Brynlee wants to be doing whatever Kate is doing, but she will also sit and play by herself.  She would do this more if Kate would allow her.  Usually Kate is asking her to come play with her.  She loves hiding and will yell, "I'm hiding" from wherever she is.  She loves the dark, just like her sister.  She loves to run, jump and dance.  She loves books.  Her current favorites are Pinkalicious and Biscuit.  Bryn loves to carry dolls or Elmo around but she doesn't sleep with anything...except 3 pacis.  One in her mouth and one in each hand.  I am dreading the day we get rid of these. 

Happy 2nd Birthday baby girl!

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