Tuesday, August 31, 2010

1st day of school

Today was the BIG DAY...Kate's 1st day of "school."

Watching "Abby Elmo" while I finished packing her lunch...
Trying to get her to stand by the wall for a picture...

Our school girl...

Kate's backpack and napmat...which I still can't imagine her falling asleep on.
Trying on her backpack...

Might have been a little heavy...she couldn't keep her balance:)

When I dropped her off, she walked right in the room but over half the kids in the room were crying. I had only taken 2-3 steps away from the door and I heard Kate's cry. I peeked back in and sure enough...crocodile tears. Hopefully that didn't last long...

When I picked her up she was smiling and looked great! I asked her what she did at school and she said, "Ball." On the way home I asked her if they sang any songs and she said, "Itsy Bitsy Spider." She was able to name everything in her lunch...(which I packed, so I know she was right). Other than that, I don't know what she did at school but she seemed to have a good day.

This is the "daily news" that was in her backpack...
And yes, you are reading that right...Kate slept. I have no idea how long but I am amazed!


  1. Oh my! What a big girl. LOVE Kate's first day of school outfit and super cute shoes! Fun! Fun!

  2. I thought about you yesterday morning! So glad to hear she had a good 1st day of school!
