Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Typical Tuesday


Tuesdays are the day Kate goes to school. She has been going for 5 or 6 weeks now and LOVES it. When I wake her up on Tuesdays and tell her she is going to school she gets so excited. She tells me her teachers names, lists all the things she does at school, etc. She has even started standing on the stool and watching me pack her lunchbox.

All ready for school picture day...

Playing with her bucket while Mommy was finishing packing her things up...
Today when we got to school, Kate literally ran from the parking lot straight to her classroom. She now walks right in the door and doesn't look back.
I love that Kate is in school and LOVES it but Tuesdays are our longest afternoons. If she sleeps at all at school (even only 30 minutes), she won't take another nap at home. Today, her report card said "I was quiet." I tried to get her to take a nap when we got home but she wouldn't...Meltdown #1. No nap Kate makes for a REALLY long afternoon.
So here is how this afternoon went. After no nap at home, Kate had her snack...Chocolate Nut Pie. This is a Hamilton Favorite.
Kate loved it and wanted more. Meltdown #2. We read books in bed and played in her room until dinner time. After dinner I was trying to clean up and she was being super testy...touching and getting into everything she knows not to get into. I was so frustrated with her but trying to be patient. She ran out of the kitchen. I thought for sure she was doing something she was not supposed to be doing only to find her doing this...
How can you go from being such a toot to being so cute so fast?

She sat and "made cupcakes" for almost 30 minutes...
Stirring them up...
Breaking the eggs...

Cooking them in the microwave...
And then it was time for a bath...another meltdown...which led to early bedtime. And this is our Typical Tuesday.


  1. i was about to lose it when jeff walked in the door yesterday too. i literally asked brady if he couldn't hear me... it was like i wasn't there. ugh. don't like no naps. :)

  2. I feel your pain friend. Our Tuesday and Thursdays go a little something like that!!

  3. graham is only 3 months old and we already have the "no nap meltdown!" oh man...that's what we get for having social kids. :)
