Bryn is 15 months old. I feel like she has changed so much in the past 3 months. First, she is walking everywhere. She rarely crawls anymore. Second, her vocabulary has taken off. She talks all the time, and not just babbling. She says words. You can tell she has picked most of them up from hearing Kate talk all day long. She says "Belle" (Kate loves Beauty and the Beast and got a Belle doll for Christmas), Elmo, cookie, cracker, milk, water, sit, block, stairs, no-no-no,etc. She also says the phrase, "there you go" but she says it more like one word "theryago." She says it when she wants something. She will hold out her hand and say "theryago" wanting you to give her food or a toy. At night, before we put her to bed she asks for a "gook." She loves books just like Kate. She is still a cuddler, especially before naps and bedtime. She loves to give hugs and kisses. When she wants a kiss she leans in and says, "mmmm." She is a feisty little thing. She can hold her own with Kate. She may or may not have a bad habit of biting when she is not getting her way. We are working on that. She loves Bailey or "Bay-yee" as she calls her. And she is a Daddy's girl! She says Daddy all day long and gets so excited when he comes home from work. She also loves all things Kate...including her boots!
1 day ago
Bryn, Happy 15 months. You have grown up so much in the last few months. So many new skills. We are so glad that we got to spend so much time with you last year - and look forward to seeing you again really soon. Love you so, JuJu and PaPaT