Parker and I spent Wednesday through Saturday of this past week in Del Mar, a suburb of San Diego. Parker made "Chairman's Club" at work this year and this was his rewards trip. We had an awesome time. We stayed at a beautiful resort right on the beach. The only things scheduled for the trip were Wednesday night's dinner with the President of Parker's office and Thursday night's Rewards Dinner and Banquet. We spent the rest of the time lounging around, enjoying a few days sans kids. We walked the beach, ate great food, read books, sat by the pool, watched movies, tried to sleep in, and just enjoyed being away. I am so proud of Parker. It was great to get to see more of "his world."
I only took one picture the whole trip...

Friday morning, Parker and Robby woke up at 4:45 AM to play Torrey Pines.

We really did have a blast but after 3 nights away we were both ready to get h0me to see the girls! A huge thanks to
JuJu and
PaPa T for taking care of Kate and Bryn!
Seriously, ONLY 1 picture!! HA!!