Tuesday, May 17, 2011

PT Update

It's officially been 7 days since we started Potty Training...quite possibly the longest 7 days of my life. But Kate is doing great...

Yesterday we only had one accident all day but it was at a playdate (sorry Sarah!). I was really nervous to send her to school today in Big Girl Panties. I was totally prepared for her to be in a diaper and different outfit when I picked her up...BUT she made it all day with NO ACCIDENTS. I picked her up in the exact same outfit I dropped her off in (and she even took an hour nap)! I was so proud of her! So when we got home, she got 2 "chocolate peanut butter" (mini reese's pb cups). YAY KATE!!!

I am hoping this is my last Potty Training blog...as they say, "No news is good news..." Right?

1 comment:

  1. Wuhoo! Way to go Kate! So glad she's doing so great. And way to go Momma! :)
